4D CT扫描用于肿瘤(如肺癌)的诊断和治疗(更清晰地观察动态结构)

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 新的仪器、新的诊断、新的希望--- 四维计算机断层扫描(4D CT)代表着下一步的影像成像:

图1 是上面文章里的肺部4D CT 扫描图.外行人看热闹,不知radiologist和肿瘤医生有何高见? 

图2: 另一张能清晰地观察肺动态结构变化的4D CT 扫描图

图3: 在心脏方面---常规的LVG和4D-CT-VG的比较图

Conventional LVG and the corresponding 4D-CT-VG of 3 patients with acute myocardial infarction (A, broad anteroseptal wall; B, localized inferior wall; and C, inferolateral wall). Wall motion abnormalities (akinesis) in the infarct lesions evaluated by 4D-CT-VG were concordant with those observed by LVG (arrowheads). With 4D-CT-VG, observation of left ventricular wall motion is possible in any direction, interactively (postprocessing interactive manner). ED indicates end diastole; ES, end systole; RAO, right anterior oblique; and LAO, left anterior oblique.

广域4D CT扫描给"

Wide-area 4D CT gives hope in cases of 'inoperable' lung cancer












我自己的经历,都能感觉到医疗仪器日新月异的发展。 -TBz- 给 TBz 发送悄悄话 TBz 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/11/2013 postreply 00:14:30
