
来源: 作舟 2012-07-22 20:49:51 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (68173 bytes)





人格障碍(异常)Personality Disorder是精神病的一种。患有人格障碍的人表现为长期的思想或思维的僵化,和人们通常看到一些人的性格非常固执、世界观和价值观等老死不变等等类似,继而表现出病态行为和举止等。








Facet 1 Interpersonal 人际方面


 Glibness/superficial charm 耍嘴皮子、肤浅做作的魅力

 Grandiose sense of self-worth 宏伟远大的自我价值观

 Pathological lying 病态撒谎

 Cunning/manipulative 狡猾、操纵他人


Facet 2 Affective 情感方面


 Lack of remorse or guilt 缺乏自责和内疚

 Emotionally shallow 感情(性情)浅薄

 Callous/lack of empathy 冷漠无情、缺乏换位思考能力

 Failure to accept responsibility for own actions 没有对自己行为负责的能力



Facet 3 Lifestyle 生活方式


 Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom 需要刺激、易于厌倦

 Parasitic lifestyle 寄生虫生活方式

 Lack of realistic, long-term goals 缺乏现实、长期的生活目标

 Impulsiveness 爱冲动

 Irresponsibility 不负责任


Facet 4 Antisocial 反感社交


 Poor behavioral controls 低劣的行为控制

 Early behavioral problems 早期行为举止上的问题

 Juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪

 Revocation of conditional release 条件性(情感)发泄终止

 Criminal versatility 多种犯罪倾向意识等




Many short term marital relationships 多次短期的婚姻关系

Promiscuous sexual behavior性行为、性伴侣不一





Pathological liars 哪些人属于病态撒谎、欺骗


Lying is the act of both knowingly and intentionally/willfully making a false statement. Most people do so out of fear. Pathological lying is considered a mental illness, because it takes over rational judgement and progresses into the fantasy world and back.




Excessive lying is a common symptom of several mental illnesses. For instance people who suffer from antisocial personality disorder use lying to benefit from others. Some individuals with borderline personality disorder lie for attention by claiming they’ve been treated poorly.




Pathological lying, on the other hand, can be described as an addiction to lying. It is when an individual consistently lies for no personal gain. The lies are commonly transparent and often seem rather pointless.




There are many consequences of being a pathological liar. Due to lack of trust, most pathological liars' relationships and friendships fail. If the disease continues to progress, lying could become so severe as to cause legal problems, including but not limited to fraud.




Psychotherapy appears to be one of the only methods to treat a person suffering from pathological lying. There has been no research done regarding the use of pharmaceutical medication to treat pathological liars. Some research suggests that certain people may have a “predisposition to lying”.


Pathological lying is a complex phenomenon, differing from other mental illnesses. It has many life-changing consequences for those that have to live with the illness. Currently, there is not enough research in the area of pathological lying to guarantee a cure.










Characteristics 病态撒谎的特征


The defining characteristics of pseudologia fantastica are:


1.     The stories told are not entirely improbable and often have some element of truth. They are not a manifestation of delusion or some broader type of psychosis: upon confrontation, the teller can admit them to be untrue, even if unwillingly. (谎言里有真实的部分;不是妄想型或其它边缘性精神病,但被面对时,撒谎者也会不情愿地承认撒谎。)


2.     The fabricative tendency is long lasting; it is not provoked by the immediate situation or social pressure as much as it is an innate trait of the personality. (一个人内在的性格所造成的长期编造谎言的倾向)


3.     A definitely internal, not an external, motive for the behavior can be discerned clinically: e.g. long lasting extortion or habitual spousal battery might cause a person to lie repeatedly, without the lying being a pathological symptom. (绝对的内在因素,其动机可以被临床诊断出来。比如长期的勒索、配偶间非法的侵权或其它厌恶接触的行为等。)


4.     The stories told tend toward presenting the liar favorably. For example, the person might be presented as being fantastically brave, knowing or being related to many famous people. (对撒谎者有利的谎言,如吹牛式的欺骗等。)


Pseudologia fantastica may also present as false memory syndrome, where the sufferer genuinely believes that fictitious events have taken place, regardless that these events are fantasies. The sufferer may believe that he or she has committed superhuman acts of altruism and love or has committed equally grandiose acts of diabolical evil, for which the sufferer must atone, or has already atoned for in her/his fantasies.







--作舟 (部分内容转译自维基百科)

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