
来源: SantaLucia 2008-12-03 19:22:33 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (6984 bytes)

Calcium is an important element that keeps our nervous system and muscles in a normal function. When our body lacks calcium, we may experience muscle cramps.  In the natural process, our body keeps a calcium balance. If there is a low calcium level in the blood, our body will release calcium from bones. If we have a high level of calcium in the blood, the calcium then will be deposited into the bone. The strong bones only can be built by sufficient concentration of calcium in the blood.

When women are getting older (over 45 and greater), because of the hormone change, our body can no longer absorbs calcium from food efficiently. With a huge amount of calcium loss from our body (My doctor said: women loss calcium 5% every year from age 45-60 and 1% every year after age 60), more calcium will be released from bone. That is one of the reason many older women have osteoporosis. Especially for Asian women, when we were young, we did not consume enough dairy products. We do not have a high bone density to begin with. Therefore, we cannot afford too much of bone loss.

There are some prescription medicine, such as  EVISTA and Forsamax, that can help calcium remaining in the bone. But how can we provide a normal level of calcium everywhere else in our body? The most efficient way is to take calcium supplement.

Right now there are many brands of calcium supplement in the market. Almost all of them comes with Vitamin D. Most of us knew that Vitamin D is necessary for calcium absorption. However Vitamin D cannot directly help calcium absorption, it has to expose to sunlight in order to change to Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is the active ingredient for calcium absorbance.  That is why we need to get some sun exposure to build strong bone. The Calcium Plus from Market America comes with Vitamin D3. For people who have a busy job and cannot expose to enough sunlight, this product is the best.

When my mom was diagnosed with server osteoporosis many years ago, I started pay more attention to calcium. I did some study on Calcium supplement. We have tried many different brands of Calcium. Based on my mother, mother in-law and some of my friends’ feedback, the Calcium Plus is the most effective one. This product stopped their muscle cramps fairly quickly. Compare to my mother and mother in-law, the effectiveness of calcium for slowing down the progression of the osteoporosis is different. My guess is: Rebuilding the bones at my mother’s age (she is 87) becomes impossible. So let’s not wait until too late to take care of ourselves.

My son’s piano teacher has not cut her fingernails for about 10 years. She only needs nail garnish once in a while. Since she started taking this Calcium Plus, in about two weeks, her fingernails noticeably grew longer.

A big difference of Calcium Plus is that a good portion of Calcium Plus was made out of organic forms (Calcium Lactate, Calcium Phosphate, and Calcium Citrate). That makes the calcium easier to absorb. In general the calcium in inorganic form (ex. Calcium carbonate) is not easy to be absorbed by human body.

Another unique feature about Calcium Plus is its isotonic formulation. When an isotonic substance enters the body, it keeps the same osmotic pressure on both side of the cell membrane. This helps the nutrients to go into cells without disturbance. That is why the absorption of isotonic fluids is highly efficient. Isotonic formulation is sweet, pleasant and easy to drink. It is best for children, elderly and patients with swallow difficulty. My son has orthodontic treatment in his mouth that inhibits him to take tablets. Isotonic formula Calcium Plus solved his problem of taking necessary supplement.

Other important ingredients in Calcium Plus are the minerals. To consume a high concentration of calcium that may result in lacking of Potassium and Magnesium. So we need supply the Potassium and Magnesium to keep the balance. Magnesium actually aids in the absorption and use of calcium. Calcium Plus has those elements blended in to keep a balance of minerals in our body. In addition, one mineral called boron in the formula that is an important element supporting the function of vitamin D3.


The Calcium Plus was introduced by a friend. Otherwise we would have no way of knowing it. You can not buy it from a drug store. It only can be ordered online, simply because it is more expensive. The unique formulation and delivery system made it more expensive. The producers know it will not be a good sale on the shelf if people do not know its effectiveness. They put it online, so it will save some retail cost. This product has good sales record, and it is highly recommended by people whom have benefited from it.



Certified NutraMetrix Consultant






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