回复:王澄: 活见鬼,中医师也当上了“工程院院士”

Although I couldn't figure out why 中医师也当上了“工程院院士”, I could see a strong sentimental fear towards traditional Chinese medicine from the oringinal author -- who is a Rehab physician. S/he fears loosing big to Chinese medicine professionaly at least in areas of rehab/recovery and chronic conditions such as pain mangmnt (in this regard the anethesiologist would be also included). That translates into lost income, given their lowish salary to begin with (sorry don't mean to belittle rehab but it indeed is among the low competitive specialties when US 4th year medical students choosing their match options). From a personal level, I don't think the author hate Chinese medicine that much. S/he may still use the cold-drink (gan mao chong ji?) at home.

Medicine is just not rocket science, although close. There are so many things you just do not understand yet!
