
回答: 乳房超声波影像的问题grapecherry2024-09-04 11:59:52

The phrase "11:00 3cm FN A RAD" is closer in meaning to "11 o'clock 3 cm from nipple anti-radial plane." Here's why:

11:00: Matches with "11 o'clock" in both phrases.
3 cm: Refers to the distance from the nipple, consistent in both phrases.
FN: Often stands for "Fine Needle," which might not directly correspond to "anti-radial plane" or "A zone" but suggests a specific procedural or anatomical detail.
A: Could be shorthand for "Anterior," which aligns with "anti-radial plane" (opposite side of the radial plane).
RAD: Could indicate "Radiation" or "Radial plane." However, in your original context, "anti-radial plane" aligns more closely with the concept of "A RAD."
So, "11 o'clock 3 cm from nipple anti-radial plane" is closer to the intended meaning of "11:00 3cm FN A RAD."





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