2024年读书单子 分享推荐

Books on sleep:
Why we sleep by Matthew Walker -读了两遍
Sleep, Interrupted: A physician reveals the #1 reason why so many of us are sick and tired by Steven Y. Park MD 

Books on menopause:
–How not to age by Dr. Michael Greger, 反对激素使用
–The menopause brain by Lisa Mosconi, 支持激素使用
–The new menopause by Mary Claire Haver, 支持激素使用
–Estrogen matters by by Avrum Bluming, 支持激素使用
-Next Level: Your Guide to Kicking Ass, Feeling Great, and Crushing Goals Through Menopause and Beyond by Stacy Sims-对激素使用持中立,非常喜欢
-Roar (Revised Edition): Match Your Food and Fitness to Your Unique Female Physiology for Optimum Performance, Great Health, and a Strong Body for Life, by Stacy Sims–挑着章节看了

Forever Strong: A New, Science-Based Strategy for Aging Well by Gabrielle Lyon

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, by Amy Chua -done

Started, but not done:
Chip War
The second sex
How to read a book
Literature books: To kill a mockingbird, animal farm (not done)



咱俩的读书内容南辕北辙,只有最后两本重合。我已经不喜欢看任何说教的书,读了很多legal thriller。 -AprilMei- 给 AprilMei 发送悄悄话 AprilMei 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/01/2024 postreply 21:19:21

南辕北辙啊 我年轻时有啥读啥 来者不拒。后来慢慢地只读 -cwang28- 给 cwang28 发送悄悄话 (40 bytes) () 09/02/2024 postreply 08:00:18

这本书我也买了,还没开始读 -burpeejump- 给 burpeejump 发送悄悄话 burpeejump 的博客首页 (68 bytes) () 09/02/2024 postreply 09:29:05

10年前就读过了。 -AprilMei- 给 AprilMei 发送悄悄话 AprilMei 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2024 postreply 13:19:32
