癌症自愈理论 (新证据和不能辩驳事实)

来源: 金猪宝 2024-02-07 16:50:43 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (8126 bytes)

我五年前,用金宝猪帐号, 于 2019-04-06 06:06:42 贴《癌症自愈理论》。 


1. 癌症自愈已是一个不争的事实我看到有一千癌症自愈的报道, 2021年就有90例!


2. 我于2019就已证明: 证明西医不可能治好慢性病和癌症。西医的所有假设都是错的。见我的《医学300年》



3. 每人都要想想 ICU 的风险: 治好人,说是药的效应;治不好,说是该死的(

不治之症)。医院没有动机(0)救人-- 只有动机“诈“狂钱。谈谈医院的收费单吧,让大家开开眼界。


4. 这个问题和大多数医生无关, 但都在医院的政策里。



1. ?arkovi? N, Jaganjac M, ?arkovi? K, et al. Spontaneous Regression of Cancer: Revealing Granulocytes and Oxidative Stress as the Crucial Double-edge Sword. Front. Biosci. (Landmark Ed) 2022; 27(4):119 https://doi.org/10.31083/j.fbl2704119 (Hence, in animal models spontaneous regression of cancer could be mediated by rapid inflammatory response of granulocytes, acting against cancer mostly as innate immune response. Neutrophil elevation: The number of spontaneous regression cases reported yearly increased, and almost 90 cases were reported only in 2021)

2. Kucerova P, Cervinkova M. Spontaneous regression of tumour and the role of microbial infection – possibilities for cancer treatment. Anti-Cancer Drugs 2015. 27:269–277 (The author has previously reported that in 80% of the cases of malignant tumours, for which no alternate form of treatment was available, survival was longer than 5 years.)

3. Niakan B. Common Factors among Some of the Reported Cases of the Spontaneous Remission and Regression of Cancer after Acute Infections.  Niakan. Int J Cancer Clin Res 2019, 6:112 DOI: 10.23937/2378-3419/1410112

4. Radha G, Lopus M. The spontaneous remission of cancer: Current insights and therapeutic significance. Translational Oncology 2021;14,101166




几乎所有理论都支持: 癌症的可逆理论。 -金猪宝- 给 金猪宝 发送悄悄话 (539 bytes) () 02/12/2024 postreply 07:46:17



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