New From Google: The Body Browser (might be a good patient educa

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New From Google: The Body Browser (might be a good patient education tool)

Google's Body Browser, a free 3D online tool that allows for virtual rotation of the body to see it layer by layer, might not be detailed enough for medical students but could help educate patients. Currently only a female model is available, but Google plans to introduce a male model soon. blog (12/23)



You can find those on the Google Body page.

前几天有一病人的家属回家试用后,说对她很有帮助。俺是电脑盲,点击了主页后看到需要Web browser时就没有再试下去。你要是跟我一样是电脑盲,就别试了,免得电脑中毒。谁懂行、又大胆的试过后,若有用/有帮助的话,请发到我的QQH里。不是替google赚钱,是医院派的任务,若病人在家里能够很容易地读到,将在今后的Discharge instructions 纸上印上这个链接供病人参考(医院也不赚一分钱)。谢谢您的反馈!



