
来源: 闽姑 2010-12-20 22:00:52 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (41152 bytes)

         今早到医生诊所抽血,过几天会去见她做年度体检。在候诊室里看到架子上有不少免费的健康知识小册子(Brochures)。读了几册觉得挺简单、通俗易懂。上网查了,这个网站还拿到2009 national Health Information Awards Winner的奖。推荐给大家,也许有帮助。


四个主题:As Seen at Your Dr   Health A-Z   Myths, Tips & More   My Doctors

As Seen at Your Dr   里有我读过的那些小册子的e版(eBrochures) 。还有其它的Subtitles。

Health A-Z   是按字母排序的各种疾病的介绍。

Myths, Tips & More   这一栏我喜欢。既考你的知识水平,也帮助你纠正错误的观点。

做了:Good Advice or Think Twice? Test Your Health IQ 里的一些题。最后我会附加其中一题。

My Doctors    是帮助找医生的。但还不知道怎么找~~


1. Cough during a heart attack because “cough CPR” can shock your heart back into rhythm.

答案:Think Twice: Cough During a Heart Attack

Don’t believe everything you read, especially when it comes to you via a forwarded email. A report that coughing can save your life during a heart attack spread rapidly this way, and is now widely believed. But just like those emails from Nigeria saying you’ve inherited a large sum of money, it’s a case of “too good to be true.”

Health experts say the technique, known as cough CPR, is unlikely to help at best, and dangerous at worst. Cough CPR has been used in controlled hospital settings to treat sudden life-threatening arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms). By coughing vigorously and repeatedly, the patient may be able to force enough blood to the brain to help him stay conscious long enough for the heart to regain its natural rhythm. Coughing will not help all types of arrhythmias, and may make some worse. Besides, only a small percentage of heart attacks actually result in an arrhythmia. For these reasons, the American Heart Association (AHA) says cough CPR is unlikely to help most heart attack victims and should not be routinely taught.


2. Focus your diet on complex carbohydrates rather than simple ones to help lower triglycerides.

答案:Good Advice: Choose Complex Carbohydrates to Lower Triglycerides

It’s not just cholesterol anymore. There’s another problem-causing fat running around in your bloodstream—triglycerides—and one way to keep this fat in check is to pick complex over simple carbohydrates.  Triglycerides are a fat, and high levels have been linked to heart disease, heart attack and stroke. The good news is you can ward off any triglycerides trouble with the same heart-healthy behaviors that lower cholesterol.

Choosing high-fiber, nutrient-dense complex carbohydrate foods over simple carbohydrate foods that often are high in sugar is one of the best places to start.


3. Improve Cardiac Health to Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

Taking steps to improve your heart health could help prevent erectile dysfunction.

答案:Good Advice: Improve Cardiac Health to Help Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

When it comes to what is or isn’t happening below the belt, men might be wise to follow their heart. That’s because many of the lifestyle factors that endanger cardiovascular health can also do damage to your love life. Obesity, smoking, high cholesterol and a sedentary lifestyle all increase your chances of developing erectile dysfunction (ED), not to mention cardiovascular problems such as heart disease. Erectile dysfunction can be one of the first and sometimes only precursors of a developing heart condition. If you’re having problems achieving or maintaining an erection, you may very well be suffering from heart disease as well. Erectile problems should be looked at immediately to rule out more serious underlying conditions.


4. Drink Water for Weight Loss

Drinking water will help you lose weight.

答案:Good Advice: Drink Water for Weight Loss

Many popular weight-loss plans recommend drinking plenty of water, and for good reason: Drinking water—or any other low-calorie fluid, for that matter—can help you lose weight. It can make your feel full, so you eat less. Plus, you’re likely to consume fewer calorie-laden drinks if you’re quenching your thirst with water. And it can help rev your metabolism. Still, water is no weight-loss miracle. Swigging H2O with chocolate cake and burgers won’t whittle your middle. In the end, losing weight comes down to a simple equation: you have to burn more calories than you consume. Filling up on water may help lower your caloric intake.


5. Avoid Eggs if You’re Concerned About Cholesterol 

You should avoid eggs if you are concerned about high cholesterol.


答案:Think Twice: Avoid Eggs if You’re Concerned About Cholesterol

When it comes to a heart-healthy diet, is there such thing as a good egg? Compared to other foods, there’s no doubt that eggs have high levels of cholesterol. But, if you’re paying attention to everything else you’re eating, you can probably squeeze an egg into your diet. The key is to keep your daily cholesterol intake below 300 milligrams (mg), or 200 mg if you have high cholesterol or heart disease. One large egg contains 213 mg of cholesterol, or—for people who aren’t at risk--about two-thirds of their RDA. That means you can have an egg for breakfast if you go easy on cholesterol for the rest of the day. However, if you have cardiovascular disease, diabetes or high LDL (bad) cholesterol, a single egg has a little more than a full day’s worth of cholesterol. So if you eat a whole egg, you will need to avoid cholesterol for the rest of the day. If you love having eggs every day, your best bet is to substitute those yolks with cholesterol-free egg whites.


6. Total Cholesterol is All You Need to Know 

To determine whether you have a healthy cholesterol level, all you need to know is your total cholesterol.

答案:Think Twice: Total Cholesterol is All You Need to Know

You’ve had your cholesterol tested and know what your total cholesterol is—great! But that’s just one part of the equation. Your total cholesterol score is the sum of the cholesterol on all three of your blood lipoproteins: HDL (high-density lipoprotein),  LDL (low-density lipoprotein), and VLDL (very low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. It provides a rough estimate of your overall cholesterol health. More important are your HDL, LDL and triglyceride levels. You want your good cholesterol, HDL, to be as high as possible, and you want your bad, LDL, cholesterol to be as low as possible. Lower is also better when it comes to triglycerides which are carried mainly on VLDL.  It is these three specific levels in your blood that give you a complete picture of your cardiovascular risk from your blood cholesterol levels.


7. Boost HDL Cholesterol with Diet & Exercise

Increase good HDL cholesterol levels by changing the types of fats in your diet and adding exercise.


答案:Good Advice: Boost HDL Cholesterol with Diet & Exercise

Want to boost your heart health? A daily walk and a handful of nuts are a great start. You probably already knew that exercise is good for your cholesterol. Did you know that fattening up your diet can also improve your numbers? Just make sure it’s the right kind of fat (doughnuts need not apply). Monounsaturated fats, found in olive oil, canola oil, nuts and avocados, can boost your HDL cholesterol, or “good,” cholesterol, and help protect you from a heart attack or stroke.





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    Ding! 回复:介绍一个通俗易懂的英文健康知识网站:www.healthyadvice.com -Jobs_new- 给 Jobs_new 发送悄悄话 Jobs_new 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/21/2010 postreply 15:50:41

    Thanks for sharing. -小仙女~~- 给 小仙女~~ 发送悄悄话 小仙女~~ 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/22/2010 postreply 02:09:31



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