
来源: 轻轻河边草 2010-12-10 19:44:10 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1064 bytes)

Yes, doctors need to listen to patients, and patietns do need to listen to doctors' explaination too.

Many immigrants think that our English is great and we do understand what doctor is saying, the real problem, we think we understand, but really we only catch some of it. the biggest problem for us is that we speak fast to slur words that we do not know, we do not question doctors (or any other english spoken people) when we do not understand, we do not slow down to communicate or ask them to slow down,

pardon? excuse me? what did you say? I did not catch it, can you repeat that again?

no, we Chinese do not know how to say that, because it shows us stupid or not smart or not polite or whatever we think we are.

It happens so often in the hospital that some immigrants had no clue what the doctor is talking about but keep nodding. for What? I heard a good one, the doctor put some staples inside(both couple comfirmed that that what the doctor told them). will any doctors put staple inside body? a fat tissue patch.



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