
来源: benwerrin38 2009-10-20 20:35:45 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2476 bytes)
Their products are specially formulated at optimal lever rather than normal RDA (美国每日建议摄取份量) according to cell culture technology utilizing the synergistic effect of the micro nutrition elements to increase their efficiency. Therefore, for the same (or even less than) cost as the market, you can have better result (you may compare the labels to find more ingredients at higher levels.

In terms of quality, 采用美国制造药品的严格生产标准(GMP)来制造产品,所有USANA公司的产品都经过严格品质管理,以确保每一个产品都符合特定效能及纯度。Each of the individual package bears the signature of the founder of the company to grantee the quality of the products. All the products are delivered to the consumers directly from the company without middle man to ensure the high quality.

In terms of safety, all ingredients are from nature products and some Olympic medallist are using them without any testing problem (I can email to you if U send your email address to me by QQH).

Their 产品被列入多国非处方性药物指南(药典就是给医生使用的字典)。USANA的全部营养品进入美国,加拿大,英国,澳大利亚,新西兰,香港,新加坡等八个国家的药典。

加拿大政府委託前国会议员Dr.Lyle Macwilliam为加拿大国民调查选择市场上最优质的营养补充品,他从市面上收集了各大知名公司超过500种的產品,并邀集了七位营养医学的博士团队根据人体所需 39 种维生素及矿物质营养成分所组成的 14 大项评比项目(十四大黄金定律),採用频谱分析仪比较出最优质的產品,如果该產品能补充人体所需 100%营养素则给予五颗星评价.评比结果USANA的Essentials产品可供应人体96.1%营养成分得到五颗星最高评分。

到亚马逊书店查询此书《Comparative Guide To Nutritional Supplements》 (or send me your email by QQH, I can copy you the sections of 14黄金定律and final results).

The products were reported by many Australian media as well (including TV, I can email you the proves).

商业周刊(2005.6.6出刊)评为全美顶级小型公司中"Top 100 Small Companies"的第三名。
美国商业周刊评选 USANA为成长最快速100 大企业之第9
USANA 再次荣获美国犹他州「全州之冠」大奖。


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