Cancer-causing infections 传染致癌

来源: jaydad 2009-10-07 23:46:32 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3166 bytes)
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV, HHV-4, 疱疹病毒-4型,非洲淋巴细胞瘤病毒) => nasopharyngeal carcinoma (鼻咽癌), Burkitt's lymphoma, NHL, HL
全世界80%的鼻咽癌在中国。广东男性鼻咽癌的死亡率在12/100,000, 发病率高达50/100,000。EB病毒的传播途径是唾液交换,打喷嚏、咳嗽、共用餐具、甚至接吻这些日常生活细节都是常见的传播方式. 有EB病毒存在只是该病诱发原因之一。早期的治疗很简单,大多病人只要使用放射化疗就可以治好.
discovered by 2008 Nobel prize winner Zur Hausen of Germany

Human papillomaviruses (人乳头状瘤病毒, HPV) => cervical cancer, also anal, perianal, vulvar, vaginal and penile, some oral and some liver cancer. Of note, it took 140 years to identify the causal effect relationship between sexual HPV transmission and cervical cancer. Remember: the worst HPV infection does not necessarily look the ugliest.
HPV6和11型感染外阴等部位,属于低危型别->湿疣或宫颈上皮内低度病变; HPV16和18型则属于高危型别->宫颈浸润癌。现在平均中国女性hpv的终身感染率累积可高达60%~70%。感染了这种病毒以后,机体内会逐渐,少数患者会很快形成对该病毒的免疫力,当免疫能力足够强大时,HPV就会被清除。少数免疫机能比较弱的女性,无法消灭进入体内的HPV,造成HPV持续感染,大约8~12年时间才可能发展成为子宫颈癌。
2008 Nobel prize, Zur Hausen
Zur Hausen's discovery is significant and has paved way for possible real world eradication for cervical cancer. However, controversies over HPV vaccines Gardasil or Cervarix are intense right now:
a) effectiveness at question - clearing of infection by vaccination or by immune system, knowing HPV infections are mostly self-limiting?
b) side effects are alarming - serious, including CNS damage,death, permanent disability, life-threatening illness and hospitalization. I predict Merck and FDA will lose in the long run. Seems FDA doctors have forgotten some important teaching - "keep them from harm"

Hepatitis B (HBV) => liver cancer
1976 Nobel prize, American Blumberg

Hepatitis C (HCV) => liver cancer
中国普通人群抗-HCV阳性率为3.2%。如果严重可以发展成肝硬化和肝癌. HCV主要通过输血和使用血制品传播. 感染的危险人群包括:接受输血者、静脉药瘾者、感染者的家庭成员包括性伴侣及接触感染血液的医务人员。

Helicobacter pylori (幽门螺杆菌) => gastric cancer
中国人群感染率50%-70%,致胃炎、溃疡、胃黏膜组织淋巴瘤,胃癌。有的感染者不会发病. Hp致胃癌的可能机制:Hp 细菌代谢产物转化粘膜;类同于病毒,Hp DNA片段转入宿主细胞,引起转化;Hp炎症反应,促癌.
2005 Nobel prize, Australians Marshall & Warren

The above "Big Five" infectious agents account for nearly 20% total cancer incidences worldwide. With the highest EBV infection rate in the world, extreme high numbers of HBV, HCV and H pylori carriers, and with the world's biggest sex industry in human history, the Chinese population is at especially high risk for these four, namely, stomach, liver, cervical and nosopharyngeal cancers.


中国人餐桌上不用公筷,是否也是唾液的传染娶道?会传染乙肝,丙肝吗? -84848484- 给 84848484 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2009 postreply 09:31:15

回复:中国人餐桌上不用公筷,是否也是唾液的传染娶道?会传染乙肝,丙肝吗? -hongxing328- 给 hongxing328 发送悄悄话 (64 bytes) () 10/08/2009 postreply 21:03:23

Very important information -dudaan- 给 dudaan 发送悄悄话 dudaan 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2009 postreply 09:47:23

回复:Thank you for sharing important knowledges. -lily7- 给 lily7 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 10/08/2009 postreply 13:48:28



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