
回答: 在加州湾区, 还没吃什么中药。sillyface2009-01-29 11:16:35

短暂缺血发作或轻度脑血管意外 [英文] = [mini stroke]; TIA (Transient Ischemic Attack) ---> 有篇西医好文章:

http://www.emedicinehealth.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=59416&pf=3&page=1 (with full article)

【1】Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Symptoms(症状)

The symptoms of stroke and TIA are the same and depend upon the particular region of the brain that is affected. But while a stroke is permanent, TIAs by definition resolve on their own.
--- Neurologic deficits appear suddenly and can affect the ability to move or feel on one side of the body.
--- Speech and vision can be affected.
--- The affected person may experience confusion, difficulty saying words, or the inability to follow commands.
Because the brain is a large organ, the whole side of a body doesn't need to be affected. It may be limited to an arm or leg or part of the face. The deficits are also grouped based on the anatomy of the brain. As an example, loss of speech (aphasia) is associated with weakness or numbness on the right side of the body, since speech is controlled by the right of the brain. These symptoms are associated with problems in the anterior circulation from the carotid arteries.
Drop attacks, in which the patient falls suddenly without warning, with or without losing consciousness, occur as a result of a TIA to the base of the brain.

【2】When to Seek Medical Care(医疗处理)?

A stroke is a medical emergency. When a stroke is suspected, 911 should be called and EMS activated. With the inability to predict the future, there is no way of knowing whether the symptoms will resolve. If the symptoms persist and a stroke situation exists, there is a narrow window of time to intervene and potentially use TPA (a clot-busting drug) to restore blood supply to the brain and reverse the neurologic deficits. Depending on the hospital and its capabilities, there may be only three hours from the onset of symptoms in which to administer the drugs. In that time, the patient needs to be examined, blood tests need to be drawn, a CT scan of the head needs to be performed to insure that a hemorrhagic stroke is not the cause, and neurologists need to be contacted.
If EMS is not activated and the symptoms resolve so that the patient, family, or friends suspect that a TIA has occurred, there is still a need to seek care urgently. It may be reasonable to contact the primary care provider to help coordinate the evaluation.

【3】Exams and Tests (检查和测试):

The diagnosis of TIA is most often made by history, which will also try to identify risk factors for heart disease and stroke:
--- high blood pressure,
--- high cholesterol,
--- diabetes, smoking,
--- family history.

Physical examination will include monitoring heart rate and rhythm and listening to the heart and lungs. Examination of the neck exam may include listening for bruits (abnormal sound) or sounds made by blood rushing through narrowed blood vessels. A full neurologic exam will be undertaken and may include looking for weakness or numbness; assessing walk and coordination; and checking vision, hearing, speech, and language comprehension.

Other tests that may be considered include:
--- Electrocardiogram (EKG);
--- CT scan of the head to look for bleeding in the brain.
--- Carotid ultrasound ;

--- 仅供参考!

