回复:回复:FYI -- Oral Hygiene Instructions

来源: ddsms 2006-02-20 22:02:56 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (919 bytes)
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回答: FYI -- Oral Hygiene Instructionsddsms2006-02-18 23:36:17
Alcohol denatures proteins nonspecifically. While it "kills" bad germs, it also destroys some of the good bugs and our oral mucosa. Remember we need both "good" and "bad" bugs, the point is the balance. For example, Lactobacilli are notorious for cavity formation but thy are good for intestinal dairy digestion.

Smokers tend to use rinses more often to cover up the bad breath, then the alcohol just synergistically opens up pathways for toxins to enter in the body, because alcohol is lipophilic, which is to loosen up the natural mucosal barrier...

Our oral cavity is a wonder place and it's really hard to form scars there due to many reasons. I don't want to tell you all the detail here and the bottom line is, you'll most likely be ok if you stop using it now since they'll recover pretty well themselves. Keep using it for a while if acute gingivitis, of course.

Hope it helps ;-)


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