
来源: greenoasis 2018-07-29 10:34:55 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (26203 bytes)




Doing well in school is nothing to be proud of

For high-achieving high school students, nothing is more validating than a report card full of straight A’s. These hallowed grades promise salaried rewards aplenty in the working world. Even more importantly, contemporary culture tends to treat educational success as a sign of moral worth: Parents and grandparents and teachers are proud of kids who do well in school. They shouldn’t be.

Earlier this week, an international team of scientists published a paperannouncing that they had identified 1,271 genetic variants that are associated with how many years people spend in school. Their result follows on from several other academics’ papers and years of researchidentifying the genetic variants associated with educational achievements.

These studies do not support the idea that intelligence is all down to genetics: Even with full knowledge of all these variants, an analysis of any one individual’s genes could not be used to make a meaningful prediction about whether they’re going to get a PhD or drop out of school. But they do show that genetics have an impact; while genetics do not definitively determine how someone will fare in school, they create certain predispositions. In total, all the genetic variants account for 11% of variation in educational attainment across the population. This is pretty significant. In comparison, The Atlantic notes, research shows that household income explains 7% of variation in educational achievement.

There are many reasons these results might seem alarming given the history of the eugenics movement, which promotes the idea of genetically-determined intelligence as a basis for superiority. But there are also many reasons why they should not be ignored: As the scientists explain in a FAQ accompanying their paper, knowledge about how genetics influences years in schooling can help correct inequalities. For example, if we know someone is genetically predisposed to have less success in school, we can change teaching methods or provide extra tutoring to combat that disadvantage.

But amidst all the worrying over how genetics could influence the way we think about a person’s success in school lies a fundamental, unquestioned assumption: That such an intelligence-based meritocracy should exist in the first place. We are so invested in the idea that academic achievement is a de facto good that we fail to consider whether intelligence should be rewarded in the first place.

If we didn’t associate intelligence with personal worth, there would be as little controversy as the genetics of education as there is over the genetics of height. And yet we use educational success as an indicator of personal value—despite the fact that many of the factors that determine our experiences in school are beyond our control.

How you perform in the classroom is the result of a mixture of environmental and biological factors, including but not limited to genetics, your family’s socioeconomic status, the level of emphasis that your family places on education, whether you have a skill set that conveniently matches exam requirements, and whether you have access to good teachers. Doing well in school is, predominantly, a sign of good luck.

On one level, we know that academic success isn’t the only measure of value. Poets and artists and writers who flunk out of school are heralded for the brilliance that their narrow education systems didn’t recognize. But what about all the people who don’t achieve international recognition for their creativity but are still highly creative, or socially graceful, or just plain nice?

An ideal world, surely, wouldn’t be one where the most intelligent do the best, regardless of their family’s wealth, but a world in which everyone’s talents are equally recognized and rewarded. In 1958, sociologist Michael Young created the term “meritocracy” in a dystopian novel that warned of the horrors of categorizing humans by intelligence. Four decades on, in 2001, he wrote in The Guardian of his despair at how the word had been adapted with none of the negative connotations he intended. “With an amazing battery of certificates and degrees at its disposal, education has put its seal of approval on a minority, and its seal of disapproval on the many who fail to shine from the time they are relegated to the bottom streams at the age of seven or before,” he wrote.

Those who buy into meritocratic ideals “actually believe they have morality on their side” added Young. As they’ve attributed their success to their own inherent worth, inequality has increased. Soaring wages for those at the top are, under the eyes of meritocrats, just rewards for their talents.

Of course pursuing knowledge is a valuable endeavor. But you can gain knowledge whether you’re studying for a final or working in kitchens, farms, concert halls, and railways. The notion that rewards should go to the most intelligent isn’t a sign of a fair society, but a truly unjust one.



meritocracy 本身是有贬义的,这个是事实。另外文中的观点没什么出奇, 很多就是卢梭的观点 -海棠花儿- 给 海棠花儿 发送悄悄话 海棠花儿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:46:06

教育学上也是主张不要表扬孩子的成绩, 表扬他的努力。。 不已结果为主导。。。 -海棠花儿- 给 海棠花儿 发送悄悄话 海棠花儿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:47:48

需要奴隶吧,别关心方向会导致啥结果,让另一群管理方向的人容易驾驭,忽悠 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:49:05

你好像没看明白作者的思路。跟你这个不太一样 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:50:28

我简单看了一下 就是关于不平等吧,我的理解基本照搬了Rousseau 的思想。。 你觉得文章说的是什么 -海棠花儿- 给 海棠花儿 发送悄悄话 海棠花儿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:54:25

他从一个研究结果说开。 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (1240 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:06:04

我就是说这个观点不出奇啊,卢梭两百年前就说过这种reward intelligent直接导致了不平等,从根上是不对的。但是我们无 -海棠花儿- 给 海棠花儿 发送悄悄话 海棠花儿 的博客首页 (181 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:10:05

看对intelligent这个“根上”怎么定义,那是复杂竞争后的结果,被当成想当然的前提不是reality -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:45:16

比较好奇他是因为什么被reward上的哈佛? -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 14:39:50

我又看了一遍,她说根本在这儿:That such an intelligence-based meritocracy shoul -海棠花儿- 给 海棠花儿 发送悄悄话 海棠花儿 的博客首页 (690 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:03:14

就是把一个竞争结果作为想当然的前提了。mind-set还是那类,想结果上要平等要想当然平分的意思。 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:48:23

普通群众一般是趋向反智的,成绩好,聪明的毕竟是少数:-) -yddad- 给 yddad 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:51:10

不是的 普通群众其实不反智,他们想变得富有的,他们想往上爬的。所以他们会去defend这种不平等。 -海棠花儿- 给 海棠花儿 发送悄悄话 海棠花儿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:55:49

这里的“反智”是指心理。因为人们不愿用自己的weakness(不擅长的)作为占有稀缺资源的条件 -yddad- 给 yddad 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:02:09

觉得是一类笨点的精英反智,某些诺贝尔奖都可能被这类人把持,为了更有力忽悠 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:59:36

恒量标准是很粗糙的筛选,人生长着呢,但每一段都需要有标准。什么样的人怕标准呢 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 10:53:33

据说右派常犯的错误是“存在决定论”, 左派常犯的是“道德决定论”。幸好世界上还有国家间, 公司间的竞争。用老茧决定能力经不住实践 -prouddd- 给 prouddd 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:10:47

这个难说,已经左左占据大藤90%以上,几十年把美国经营成这样。世界这村里,一窝的博士高科技的人家却是最穷一屁股债的 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:27:34

等到大藤生到高年级时许多骨子里都已向右转了,否则不会有那么多人选择毕业后到金融或咨询。 -Porcelana- 给 Porcelana 发送悄悄话 Porcelana 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:31:03

去DC的不是这类,但会拿他们当借口埋怨,最聪明的还是喜欢靠道理,逻辑,数字。。不过,俺不觉得左右是两维的,是一维的,是前后的问题 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:32:55

左左口是心非的人不少, 而且随着年龄增长,向右转的也不少。希拉里和舒默两个来自华尔街的参议员先后领导民主党是有原因的 -prouddd- 给 prouddd 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:32:23

性格也很重要。不过他俩什么时候华尔街了?那脑子不像哎。 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:33:58

这俩人绝对是代表华尔街, 小骂大帮忙一类 -prouddd- 给 prouddd 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 12:18:30

关键华尔街里也两类 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 12:28:23

这个也不算奇文了,就是作者只看一面,没看到另一面而已 --百科-- 给 -百科- 发送悄悄话 -百科- 的博客首页 (752 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 11:57:28

Doing well in anything is, predominantly, a sign of good luck. -llarry- 给 llarry 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 13:34:57

别人谦虚这么说可以,俺从来不真信 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2018 postreply 13:43:39



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