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今年的世界杯赛,与以往有些不同。媒体里许多球迷制作的许多短小的视频,扑捉到许多精彩片段,让足球的魅力四射在那些的瞬间。让你不由的不喜欢它了。 这就是媒体的力量,会影响一个人的喜好。









在加时赛快到一半的时候,阿根廷队又一次进球,比分3:2。在20分钟左右的时候,法国队获得点球,比分3:3 又拉平。












看过梅西在巴萨踢球的日子,知道了一个日后,成为了一个团队力量的中心人物,是如何产生出来的。 曾经无数次小罗的肩膀,托起了梅西的成功和失败,这些是梅西必须经历的成长过程,否则我们不会看到梅西的肩上会有内马尓的跌倒和欢笑的镜头,也不会有阿根廷队今天的冠军之路了。




[Football World Cup Highlights] The World Cup football match is perhaps the most important moment in many people's lives. For those top athletes and teams, there will be countless fans. I have never been a fan of football, I only watch it occasionally.


This year's World Cup is a little different from the past. Many short videos made by many fans in the media captured many wonderful clips and let the charm of football shine in those moments. You can't help not liking it. This is the power of the media to influence a person's preferences.


Let me talk about the tenant of my house, who likes football. He has been training his son since kindergarten. When I first met this quiet-looking young boy a few years ago, he had been playing football for several years. At that time, his idols Messi and Ronaldo were very strange people to me. Now that the little boy has entered junior middle school, he has grown taller and looks a bit like younger Ronaldo. In order not to affect their watching the game, they refused any indoor renovation works.


Perhaps in our lives, we need such enthusiasm to participate in it.



12/18/22 World Cup FinalsAt 8:00 am on Sunday, December 18th, the World Cup finals began. In the first half, Argentina led 2:0. After more than 80 minutes, it was tied by the French team. Then the game goes into 30 minutes of extra time.


In the middle of extra time, Argentina scored again and the score was 3:2. At about 20 minutes, the French team won a penalty kick and the score was tied at 3:3.


Finally entered the penalty shootout game. Maybe it was God's will, the Argentine team won the World Cup with a 4:2 penalty kick. This is the first time the Argentine team won the championship after 36 years.


I watched the whole game, and I feel that any goal is under the watchful eye of God. No one knows when the opportunity to score is, and it is at that moment impartially.

[Friendship lasts forever] Argentina has won the championship, and the celebrations in Argentina have reached a climax, and crowds of people gathered in many cities.


In fact, the most respectable thing is Messi's character, and at this time, he gradually entered the public's field of vision. His friendship with football superstar Ronaldinho, his friendship with superstar Neymar. He is a ball king who values ??love and righteousness. In this materialistic world, he is a person with true temperament and a ball king recognized by the public.


Messi deserves the title of supreme football king.


[Take on important responsibilities] Looking back in the days when Messi played in Barcelona, ??and you would know how the person could become the central figure of a team's strength in the future.  Ronaldinho's shoulders have held up Messi's success and failure countless times. These are the growth processes that Messi must go through, otherwise we will not see Neymar's fall and laughter on Messi's shoulders. , There will be no way for the Argentine team to win today.


Taking on important responsibilities requires personal talent and hard work, as well as the support of Bole Xiangma.





好文!历史上最精彩的一场世界杯决赛。 -水星98- 给 水星98 发送悄悄话 水星98 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/19/2022 postreply 06:44:07

看你写足球博文,知道你是真粉丝。我是被他们成长的过程感动,才喜欢上。 -鸡鸣寺过客- 给 鸡鸣寺过客 发送悄悄话 鸡鸣寺过客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/19/2022 postreply 07:01:16



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