
回答: 也谈一下我以往面试中国人的经历Qingma2014-02-09 11:37:19

Pls do not generalize only based on one interview.

He might have other candidates, friends, for example, that maybe better fit.

As far as I know, most Chinese working on WS, want to help if possible.  Sometimes you are just not a fit. 

So we are need to be more appreciative of each other, both as a hiring manager and as a worker.



it888, 真没有冒犯你的意识。可是你能用中文发言吗? -CCC333- 给 CCC333 发送悄悄话 CCC333 的博客首页 (81 bytes) () 02/10/2014 postreply 21:39:02
