Zoning office回复了。

来源: rapidestate 2019-05-09 10:02:41 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2441 bytes)
Can this 5 acres lot be subdivided? 
Yes and No: You can according to Township Code. But it will not meet the County’s access mgmt. requirements, so you most likely will not get an authorized curb cut. We do not permit drives in the rear or side yard setbacks, thus eliminating a common access drive.
Is there any public water and sewer available? 
I don’t think so. 
The elementary school is right on the corner. Can I connect from there?
I don’t think so.
If I have the public water and sewer, what's the difference of the subdivision.
You don’t have public water & sewer.


看来立刻增值的潜力都不太现实。flip 要有买家hold或对土地使用有需求。 -IEbird- 给 IEbird 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/09/2019 postreply 10:53:16

Zoning杀死了许多这种地产。上次看到一个一万多平方尺的,周围都是一家庭的居民小屋,也就几万一个,tnnd也要这个 -pssci- 给 pssci 发送悄悄话 pssci 的博客首页 (104 bytes) () 05/09/2019 postreply 10:58:53

这块地居然不能分割。周围不远的SFR都只是0.25 acres. -rapidestate- 给 rapidestate 发送悄悄话 rapidestate 的博客首页 (26 bytes) () 05/09/2019 postreply 11:16:22

如果已经是你的死马当活马医去申请VARIANT,不是你的就不必去买这个不确定了。 -borisg- 给 borisg 发送悄悄话 borisg 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 05/09/2019 postreply 11:22:20

因为有富人邻居反对,民主社会就是这样 -柠檬椰子汁- 给 柠檬椰子汁 发送悄悄话 柠檬椰子汁 的博客首页 (74 bytes) () 05/09/2019 postreply 11:23:46

一个十几英亩地的银行房,周围都是零点几的,这块地被完全包围,很便宜,我想买来当农场都好,可一想要跟几十个邻居打交道,作罢了。 -守月- 给 守月 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/09/2019 postreply 16:19:00



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