川普那几年FHA director一直在做私有化,可是几个投资者自己砸自己的脚。

来源: 柠檬椰子汁 2023-11-17 06:25:06 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2387 bytes)

川普下台了,那个director还接着做,拜登不想私有化也阻止不了。因为FHA 的法律说director不能随便换,只能到任期结束才能换,所以川普任命的director换了总统还在做,还在准备私有化。

可是有几个投资者想加快私有化进程,打了几场官司,其中一个官司说FHA director任命机制不符合宪法。最高法院同意了,说是任命机制不符合宪法,FHA director不是只能任期到才能换,而是总统可以随时换。判决一下来,投资者傻眼了,因为拜登马上把FHA direct换成了自己人,结果私有化的进程就搁置了。



The White House on Wednesday removed Mark Calabria as the regulator of U.S. mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, hours after the Supreme Court gave President Joe Biden more power to fire him.

The White House late Wednesday appointed Sandra Thompson to succeed Calabria as acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Thompson has served as deputy director of the agency’s Division of Housing Mission and Goals since 2013.

Shares of the companies fell nearly 50 percent in the hour after the decision was announced, before rebounding slightly.




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