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最近我一直带着我的工人干活,车接车送,管吃管喝,一天付现金50,剩下的付他所欠的房租,这不是最理想的方式但是我处理了不少事情。这个工人从里到外都能拿的起来,从浴室修理到安装窗户,还换风扇吊灯,装地板,地毯,修篱笆,他自带工具,由于他没车,我这样做基本上防止了他偷懒和偷东西,而这个毛病是一般做工人的通病。另外对工作进度也能掌握,自然我也比较幸苦,早上不能再睡懒觉了,但是inspection要求的事必须处理,否则会引起法律上的麻烦,这也是没有办法的事。其他工人虽然也能做但是因为这个工人以前做过的plumbing,deck ,electric基本上都通过了检查,所以让他做我心里比较踏实,能通过检查是第一位的考虑。


Hi there. Here is the current breakdown of the property mangers role and compensation and what his requested terms would be. 
I will answer any questions a potential buyer has. Just ask or call.
Yes I would be interested in staying on.
Ok this is what I.  currently do, and receive.
This was sometimes vague to me too, but jose, jose and I were always fair with each other and we have a mutual trust. 
 112 per month (April-october)
150 per month   (November to March).
 For those amounts I currently do,
1) collect and send rents to owners.
2) take care of tenant calls and make calls to plumber, handyman, contractors to get any repairs done. Be present when needed. All work Owner notified and approved 
3) pay water, Sewer, sanitation bill if sent to me and be reimbursed after paying.
4) shovel snow,  and make sure property is safe all winter long. Cut grass.
5) check on the property several times a week
6) advertise and try to find tenants. Do showings. 
7) would make leases and have tenants sign. I currently have a lease but always hoped owners would supply the one they want.
I would not negotiate with HUD as owner was needed for that. (Hank apt3)
Never had to, but would start eviction process, place notice on door but will not go to court.
In addition to the above, I would, clean out apartments between tenants, paint anything needing, or any other work not (1-7) above for $10.00 per hour. All owner approved first.
Anything I purchased for the apartments I would supply receipts and be reimbursed.
That was for the past three years.
What I would ask to remain is
$140 per month all year for above (1  to 7)
Any other work, painting interiors, exterior, cleaning out apartments between tenants and any  other work I can do,  that is owner approved first  is $22.00  per hour.
Also, with receipts, reimbursement  for items I have to purchase, example rock salt or small items to maintain the property.
I would hope at some point I would be able to discuss all with a new owner so all is agreed.


这个不错。谢谢分享! -tequila_sunrise- 给 tequila_sunrise 发送悄悄话 tequila_sunrise 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/25/2023 postreply 13:15:29
