For a serving size of 80 grams, butternut squash glycemic index:

来源: 饿狼陀 2017-01-11 17:05:42 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (302 bytes)

Butternut squash has a glycemic index ranking of 51. Based on a serving size of 80 grams, or about 1/3 cup of boiled, mashed squash, butternut squash has a very low glycemic load of 3. These are numbers for plain squash.


你说的瓜我都不吃,其实就想知道倭瓜(日本小南瓜)的。thank you any way. -lawattaction- 给 lawattaction 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2017 postreply 17:40:27

还真找到了中文的。升糖指数 75, 每一百克升糖负荷 2-11。 -饿狼陀- 给 饿狼陀 发送悄悄话 饿狼陀 的博客首页 (4906 bytes) () 01/11/2017 postreply 18:15:07

大谢!它是个好东西。我就是用它替代部分大米的。倭瓜子营养价值极高,过去都出口日本。 -lawattaction- 给 lawattaction 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/11/2017 postreply 20:52:08
