Debate is GOOD !:):)

来源: 陈年酒 2005-11-08 08:52:13 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (289 bytes)
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Good Univeristy really take that seriously.

My boy would love to have this but it is conflict with the Science Olympiad schedule ...

The difficult in high school is that there are so many good event the kid want to joint but there is simply not enough time ...



9494,u can't have everything. -花茶雨- 给 花茶雨 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 09:01:47

9494zt, 还是得有取有舍,但是 Debate不错。 -星星河- 给 星星河 发送悄悄话 星星河 的博客首页 (31 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 09:09:30

无忧就爱辩论。谁爱辩论就跟谁辩, 谁怕谁呀, 对吧? -noworry- 给 noworry 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 09:12:24

都象你这么个辨法,孩子们的比赛非输不可 :)) -星星河- 给 星星河 发送悄悄话 星星河 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 09:14:06

好久不见你了.你女儿也在debate呀,我们有讨论话题了. -花茶雨- 给 花茶雨 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 10:18:36

也好久不见你了 :)) -星星河- 给 星星河 发送悄悄话 星星河 的博客首页 (82 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 10:22:49

回复:Debate is GOOD !:):) -218- 给 218 发送悄悄话 (338 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 09:17:43
