Good observation! That's why it's important to learn from histor

回答: 深圳房市到头了,炒短线的赶紧跑吧BayFamily2007-12-05 22:43:35

and get clues from other nearby markets as forewarnings. One lesson we've learned very well from US housing market:

When 2nd tier cities started to get crazy in price escalation, we know that the bubble has entered into the late-phase of a big bubble. Hot monies always seek better profit from 2nd/3rd tier cities when first tier cities get over priced.

When 2nd tier cities started to drop in price, first tier cities won't be far behind.

If we always remember this lesson, we will have an upper hand in managing the bubble.

Like I said: Bubble is great. Without bubble, how can you make money? But you have to manage it to your advantage.
