
回答: 大大的BSOrx3002012-10-13 22:29:21

Why wake up at 6am? They practice in the morning before classes?

Its good that you and I are among the minority in this regard :)

Lots of Chinese parents think marching band is taking too much of their kids' study time and drop it. 非常可惜。 I think the benefits of participating in band, particularly marching band can not be over stated. I was very impressed by the performance of ALL the teams today.

Debate is also important.

Not BSO, I have seen too many Chinese engineers who are very smart but unfortunately they can only be individual engineers. Sometimes, even being good at what they do, they get fired because they can not work with the team.






band, club都是很好的social activities -rx300- 给 rx300 发送悄悄话 (294 bytes) () 10/13/2012 postreply 22:53:53
