还有一个星期close. 卖方卖房子是因为拿了很多的equity loan.
卖方和第一贷款银行签了HAFA program,但又不想搬家。
第二家银行不在HAFA program 里,但在approval letter里说卖方“is permitted to remain as a tenant on the Mortgaged Premises for a shot term, as is common and customary in the market but no longer than ninety(90) days, in order to facilitate relocation.”卖方抓住这一条,死活要再住在房子里90天。
当然,no moving out, no closing, 但是, 如果他们死活不搬,银行又不同意延期close escrow的话, 这个deal 可能就黄了。