LinkedIn: 地主们,你们还没用?!

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- 房客申请,我现在几乎只查LNKD,不查传统的信用。You see much more about your applicant from LinkedIn than from credit report.
- 买房卖房,查查LNKD,大大有助于有效沟通。You know what kind of person you will be dealing with before you make your move.
- 维修维护,LNKD是最好的推荐评估平台。See what kind of people he served before and what others say about him.
- 贷款维权,你不用LNKD看看references?

反过来, 这些人也都用LNKD:
- 我的房客好几个都要求跟我连,甚至要求写推荐评语,因为这是最好的landlord reference. 也有房客 told me that they checked my LinkedIn profile before formally apply, as he felt more comfortable dealing with my type of landlords.
- 房屋经纪贷款经纪就更重视LNKD了。They are using it effectively as a marketing tool.

半年前我装了 Rapportive 以后,发现几乎是时时在用 LinkedIn, 不用都不行,因为这email的右上角老是显示发邮件人的背景简历。LinkedIn买Rapportive实在是水到渠成意料之中。

LinkedIn想不涨都不能啊,哈。Seriously, I believe in its long term potential.

Disclaimer: I am long LNKD.


成年人的facebook: LinkedIn: 地主们,你们还没用?! -halfdummy- 给 halfdummy 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/04/2012 postreply 00:02:40

那只是硅谷的特例 -VanSmallLandlord- 给 VanSmallLandlord 发送悄悄话 (85 bytes) () 05/04/2012 postreply 06:48:02

找工作,LINKEDIN蛮重要的,尤其是建人脉,做商务交朋友也如此。做地主没用过。 -SunshineInCA- 给 SunshineInCA 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 05/04/2012 postreply 08:55:47
