I set a buy put order the night before yesterday but it didn't get executed because LNKD didn't go up yesterday and I was busy in meeting all day so I had no time to adjust. However,塞翁失马焉知非福? I think LNKD's "good" numbers provide an even better opportunity to put or short. I think rx300 is right that FB's investors are behind the good numbers :) 牛!!
I did say "timing could be tricky" even one's assesment is correct.
I am sure a lot of people here have LNKD account. Me too. But I would not pay a penny for the service. I guess most of the people would not pay for it either.I am not saying LNKD's service is useless. What I am saying is that the valuation of the stock is far beyond being justifiable and therefore it will eventually suffer what GMCR has suffered so far, particularly today.
I would like to take this opportunity to do a survey here. If you have a LinkedIn account and is willing to pay if LNKD charges you, say $50/yr (reasonable?), please reply "yes", otherwise please reply "no". Thanks.