You May Still Want to Vote for This

来源: 望海潮 2012-03-07 23:08:31 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3609 bytes)
By now you may have seen this many times over. Those who have decided not to vote for it have listed many reasons, so why am I posting this now?

Because I received an email from an assemblyman calling on people in his district (mostly Hispanic ) to vote for measures that will cut college tuition costs for working class families by about 2/3.

Who would wind up paying the difference?

Often we see discussions on this board and other boards of Wenxue City about how to pay for college tuitions for our children. If measures like this pass, many may need to be prepared to dig deeper and pay even more.

Also someone posted a question a few days ago about whether you can send money to parents in China and use that to reduce taxable income. The answer was of course no.

But do we all know that if your parents are in Mexico and you send money to them, you can use that to reduce your taxable income?

It's true.

Equal rights deserves fighting for just for the principle of it. There may be consequences to some rights - no one knows for sure because all is speculation and projection. But not fighting for one's rights carries consequences for sure: you may be working very hard and paying for lots of things other people simply take as their rights. You know what I mean.

The following post is still circulating, which means the total vote count is still less than 50,000. I think it would be too bad if we can't even gather this many votes to show we care. So I'm pasting it here again. If you haven't voted, maybe you can take another look.

You may want vote for this (vote "for").

紧急动员:决战最高法院, 请投庄严一票
历史性的时刻已经到来了:2/21/2012,美国最高法院决定审理用“族裔”的理由来提高亚裔和白人高校入学门槛的做法是否违宪。您--关爱孩子未来的父母--现在就可以花一分钟时间来帮助孩子增大孩子上他们理想大学的机会。请您立即投票赞成(FOR) 80-20全美亚裔教育基金会的民调书,清楚明白地表明亚裔在这件案子上的立场。
下面几周内,我们需要征集到至少五万个签名,让结果写入Amicus Curiae (“法庭之友”的文书)作为证据资料递交最高法院。我们要表明亚裔赞同以考生的综合素质(而不是族裔)作为美国高校的招生标准。综合素质包括申请学生现在的学术成绩和未来可能的成功潜力,例如申请人是否能在不利的生活环境中仍能不懈努力等 (i.e. Overcome adversity under socio-economic constraint). 我们相信这样的定位能给所有的考生提供一个公平竞争的机会,也能给学校足够的弹性来制定他们的教育的目标。
(*Source: "No Longer Separate, Not Yet Equal: Race and Class in Elite College Admission and Campus Life" by Thomas Espenshade (Princeton University Press, 2009)  


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