初学当地主: 应租给持VOUCHER 的老黑; 还是无任何记录的老墨

First time to be a landlord. Bought a 白菜房in September and still vacant. Now there’re 2 applicants, neither is good but which one is less worse? Your advice will be deeply appreciated.


1)      VOUCHER 的老黑: A single mom with 4 kids, two of which are grow ups. The 27yr son is pursuing a music career and the 18yr son is looking for employment. No idea about age and gender of the other two. This Mom is 特牛 of holding a voucher and is hard to communicate. When we request that she provide documents showing that she can pay her utilities (90% of her rent is paid by the voucher), she claims that’s her privacy and question why we would worry since the government has taken care of her. When we ask for her adult sons’ ID, she says they don’t have a ID, not even a driver’s license. She herself saw our house once. When we invite her to bring her kids to visit, she argues why we need to screen her entire family. The only benefit of renting to her is to get the government covered portion of the rent.

2)      无任何记录的老墨: This is a contractor with a wife (waitress) and a young boy. His income is probably good among 老墨. However, he has no SSN, no rental, no credit history. We ran background check using his name/Tax payer ID and couldn’t locate him at all. His own statements about where he lives in the past are not consistent. But he does look like 劳动人民, drives a big truck, and seems busy with construction work.


担心空房太久, 敬请这里的前辈指点谜津,不胜感激!


回复:初学当地主: 应租给持VOUCHER 的老黑; 还是无任何记录的老墨 -凌长老- 给 凌长老 发送悄悄话 凌长老 的博客首页 (191 bytes) () 12/16/2011 postreply 18:36:58

建议选劳模了,非法移民最好了,一般不主动去招惹是非.黑大妈是绝对一棒出局 -akebono- 给 akebono 发送悄悄话 akebono 的博客首页 (175 bytes) () 12/16/2011 postreply 20:05:27

阿米哥好! -比花花还花- 给 比花花还花 发送悄悄话 比花花还花 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/16/2011 postreply 21:59:43

谢各位指教, 明天就联系老墨. -BKD185- 给 BKD185 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/17/2011 postreply 20:36:43
