A family of four with monthly income of 2300 wants to pay 1300 f

This couple has three kids. The oldest is in college now and not living with them. Another two are teenages. The guy is a chef in a Deli restaurant with $2300 monthly salary. They want to pay $1300 for my condo. It shocks me. How can they have extra money to feed them, to pay the utility bills, the cell phone bills and the car loan? Do they have lots of subsidies from government? Can not image how they can survive!


太太可能做MAID,收现金。 -deja_vu- 给 deja_vu 发送悄悄话 deja_vu 的博客首页 (225 bytes) () 09/27/2011 postreply 08:41:42
