Few people can live to 65 when this was established

来源: elfie 2023-05-25 12:47:03 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1270 bytes)
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回答: 简述不同年龄领社安退休金的优劣lin135902023-05-24 18:00:47

So the premise is most people shouldn't be able to use this money. So there will not be a severe deficit or payment crisis for SSN. Now, it applies to elder people today too because there should be a signifcant portion of people live short of getting the benefits. It could be you or me, but it's totally fine.  If you can work till 70 and get full benefits, it's a better deal for you because there's no discount for you. If you grab the money earlier, say at 62, and continue to live but not get the full benefits, it's your own loss. For years after early retirement you won't have enough to cover your living costs. On the other hand, when you work, you don't need this additional money for living. Not drawing SSN early is  like saving for the future when you are completely retired and not being able to earn salary. The additional $3000 would be a good dispensible income for you.

What if you die before retirement? If you happen to die before you reach the age 70 and not yet retired, there's no detrimental effects to you either.  Dead people don't need to get paid.  You've helped the country to save money for the people that may need it.




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