如果这样的话 Bank of America 更危险! 去年9月他们的BALANCE SHEET

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就有$644BIL的HTM bonds。 Their market value was $528bil. The $116bil difference was equivalent to 43% of BAC's $270bil of total equity, or assets minus liabilities, as of Sept. 30th. At the start of last year, before rates surged, the market value and balance-sheet value were within 1% of each other. 

Among the KBW index memebers, the lender with the largest gap by dollar amount was Bank of America Corp.


然而,在 SVB 倒闭后,他们正在吸收大量新现金。 所以他们不会有导致SVB倒闭的流动性问题! 非常讽刺。 -goingplaces- 给 goingplaces 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/15/2023 postreply 18:34:38

所以。。。 我觉得不用太担心? SCHWAB 有那么多退休金加上VC的大账户。。。 -mmt368- 给 mmt368 发送悄悄话 (363 bytes) () 03/15/2023 postreply 18:46:38
