You can still file married filed jointly.

来源: 柠檬椰子汁 2020-01-09 07:34:18 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (241 bytes)
回答: 夫妻分居报税问题gtaww2020-01-08 21:37:08

If you are in the process of divorce and your wife doesn't want to file tax with you, then you have to use married filed separately.

Head of Household requires you at least being unmarried part of the year. 


file joint 不合算吧? -甜齿- 给 甜齿 发送悄悄话 甜齿 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/09/2020 postreply 10:18:51

一般来说,jointly合算,但是特殊情况有可能分开合算 -柠檬椰子汁- 给 柠檬椰子汁 发送悄悄话 柠檬椰子汁 的博客首页 (175 bytes) () 01/09/2020 postreply 11:37:24
