Money 广告

来源: 卒在征途 2019-09-27 12:19:36 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (313 bytes)
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大家那 CIBC credit card, 0% interest, as low as 1% transferring fee, 10 month, up to full credit limit.

( Canada 1 yr flexible GIC, 1.8%, required to lock in only 30days. Earlier withdraw still 1.8% annual rate counting of days of deposited)

Other option,you name them,,,


No. 后来才知道这玩意最坏credit -sunpriest- 给 sunpriest 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 09/27/2019 postreply 16:34:10

我以前搞过头12个月 0 APR的,借出来35万,存了一年CD。赚了一万利息后还了。 -cublai- 给 cublai 发送悄悄话 (71 bytes) () 09/27/2019 postreply 17:22:41
