question about Refinance

I asked two brokers about the current rate,
The loan is $210K, 30 year, my current one is 5.825,
one said she can find me a rate at 5.3 with $1900 closing cost,
the other said that he can find me 5.6 with no closing cost.

The first agent told me that if I plan to live in the place for
more than 2 or 3 years, it's good to do refinance. If I plan to
sell it in 3 years, then it's not.

I'm confused. I plan to sell it in 3 years, so maybe it's not
good to do any refinance for now?

Any advice?



5.5% no cost if no escrow waiver -autumnmoon- 给 autumnmoon 发送悄悄话 (5 bytes) () 11/28/2008 postreply 14:34:50
