Yes and No and here are the scenarios.

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This is under the premise that you are either US citizen or Green Card holder.

Your bank will ask you about the source of this $100k.  If it is coming from your bank account in China, you can tell your bank that it is your money.  You should have already listed your bank information in your tax return since the money in Chinese banks can produce interest as your income. 

If the source is from your parents and your parents are not US citizens, you can tell them that it is a gift from your parents.  You have to file IRS form 3520 to report the gift of $100K and over.

If your parents are US citizens or Green Card holders, then you can tell your bank that it is a gift to you, your husband, and your kids, but there is a limit on tax free.  It is 14,000 per person.  If you have 2 kids, then you are ok with $100k.  Each of your parents can give you, your husband and 2 kids $56,000/year, two parents can give you $112k / year.  Anything after that will be taxed.  In this case, you don't have to report to IRS, but your parents need to.

My suggestion is to consult a tax accountant or a CPA.  Good luck.



good explanation, thank you -xiaofengjiayuan- 给 xiaofengjiayuan 发送悄悄话 xiaofengjiayuan 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/10/2017 postreply 10:27:39
