
来源: 美国王过人 2023-09-02 06:21:01 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (7869 bytes)

The season was drawing to its dusty end, and everyone I knew was arranging to go away. Mrs. Strickland was taking her family to the coast of Norfolk, so that the children might have the sea and her husband golf. We said good-bye to one another, and arranged to meet in the autumn. But on my last day in town, coming out of the Stores, I met her with her son and daughter; like myself, she had been making her final purchases before leaving London, and we were both hot and tired. I proposed that we should all go and eat ices in the park.


I think Mrs. Strickland was glad to show me her children, and she accepted my invitation with alacrity. They were even more attractive than their photographs had suggested, and she was right to be proud of them. I was young enough for them not to feel shy, and they chattered merrily about one thing and another. They were extraordinarily nice, healthy young children. It was very agreeable under the trees.


When in an hour they crowded into a cab to go home, I strolled idly to my club. I was perhaps a little lonely, and it was with a touch of envy that I thought of the pleasant family life of which I had had a glimpse. They seemed devoted to one another. They had little private jokes of their own which, unintelligible to the outsider, amused them enormously. Perhaps Charles Strickland was dull judged by a standard that demanded above all things verbal scintillation; but his intelligence was adequate to his surroundings, and that is a passport, not only to reasonable success, but still more to happiness. Mrs. Strickland was a charming woman, and she loved him. I pictured their lives, troubled by no untoward adventure, honest, decent, and, by reason of those two upstanding, pleasant children, so obviously destined to carry on the normal traditions of their race and station, not without significance. They would grow old insensibly; they would see their son and daughter come to years of reason, marry in due course—the one a pretty girl, future mother of healthy children; the other a handsome, manly fellow, obviously a soldier; and at last, prosperous in their dignified retirement, beloved by their descendants, after a happy, not unuseful life, in the fullness of their age they would sink into the grave.


That must be the story of innumerable couples, and the pattern of life it offers has a homely grace. It reminds you of a placid rivulet, meandering smoothly through green pastures and shaded by pleasant trees, till at last it falls into the vasty sea; but the sea is so calm, so silent, so indifferent, that you are troubled suddenly by a vague uneasiness. Perhaps it is only by a kink in my nature, strong in me even in those days, that I felt in such an existence, the share of the great majority, something amiss. I recognised its social values, I saw its ordered happiness, but a fever in my blood asked for a wilder course. There seemed to me something alarming in such easy delights. In my heart was a desire to live more dangerously. I was not unprepared for jagged rocks and treacherous shoals if I could only have change—change and the excitement of the unforeseen.




的确,无聊之夏的确接近尾声了 -kirn- 给 kirn 发送悄悄话 kirn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 06:56:23

同感 -lovecat08- 给 lovecat08 发送悄悄话 lovecat08 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 07:09:13

翻译的水平很高 -小河石子- 给 小河石子 发送悄悄话 小河石子 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 08:59:52

过奖,多谢支持! -美国王过人- 给 美国王过人 发送悄悄话 美国王过人 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 11:45:17

对了,我昨晚和小年轻聊天,被告知我的中文表达已是古藻。然后我研究得知,现在的新文青,绝对不读红与黑之类的,读月亮和七便士 -kirn- 给 kirn 发送悄悄话 kirn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 11:24:54

还有一个新词,叫精致穷。于是我被小年轻诱惑去B站上转了转,的确让我”扶额”。额,美国王是个新时代的文青大代表!热烈支持! -kirn- 给 kirn 发送悄悄话 kirn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 11:26:48

不好好学习国王的月亮和七便士,文学城吃枣药丸! -kirn- 给 kirn 发送悄悄话 kirn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 11:28:17

给你多放了一便士,表示鼓励有加! -kirn- 给 kirn 发送悄悄话 kirn 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 11:28:55

过奖,多谢小可支持! -美国王过人- 给 美国王过人 发送悄悄话 美国王过人 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 11:45:04

最后一句不好翻译。:) -ling_yin_shi- 给 ling_yin_shi 发送悄悄话 ling_yin_shi 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 15:42:41

毛姆的小说不大好懂,各种明典暗喻比比皆是,我这顶多翻译个皮毛,能看懂英文的读者直接看原文一定会有不同的感觉。 -美国王过人- 给 美国王过人 发送悄悄话 美国王过人 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 17:58:33

赞! -天玉之- 给 天玉之 发送悄悄话 天玉之 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 18:31:25

多谢支持! -美国王过人- 给 美国王过人 发送悄悄话 美国王过人 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 09/02/2023 postreply 22:26:28



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