Soft defenders, and poor decision makers

本文内容已被 [ Warsteiner ] 在 2014-06-21 15:00:31 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.

I never liked Oezil, just like Memet Scholl, another talented Turk-German 10+ years ago, talented but can't be counted on when it matters.

I never liked current defenders with good "technics", you have to be tough, nasty, solid, and play clean and simple. Give me Juergen Kohler every day, and twice on Sunday. Those Turks are pretty good with the ball, but they don't have the mental strength German team traditionally possessed. Why are defenders fully committed on every single fake? What's up with the attempt to steal every ball? Geez, play position and play man.

BTW, why was last free kick not a direct shot at the goal? You know that could well be the last touch, and Mueller wouldn't have been injured.

This draw serves German team better than a win. They need to address those obvious flaws.