刚好看到林吧新鲜出炉的翻译——新鲜出炉的访谈, 美国时间今天早上的, 以下是摘要:
Each game is a game of adjustments. We're trying to figure out what adjustments they'll make. 每场比赛都要猜测对手会做什么调整, 然后自己做相应的调整
(On what Scott Brooks did last night): I might dodge that one. They're doing what they think is best. (关于雷霆教练布鲁克斯):我最好不回答, 他们在干他们认为正确的事
(Carlos is) getting an MRI. He's been playing on a hurt foot. I think someone stepped on it. He's been playing with a lot of pain for the whole series.(德妃)在做核磁共振, 伤了一只脚, 可能被踩了, 赛季经常带伤作战。
(Lin is) close. Good chance coming back for game six. 林快好了, 有机会第六场回归。
(Jeremy is a) good player and having him back will be good. We're not anywhere near the playoffs without him. 林是个好球员, 回归是好事。 没他根本进不了季后赛。
(Beverley a FA?) He's signed for 2 more years. Looks like we'll keep him. ... The usual contract. We always try to get 3 years. I learned my lesson with Von Wafer. (贝弗利要成自由球员了?)不, 还有2年。 看起来我们会留下他。我们签的合同通常都是3年。
Beverley, he's doing pretty much everything better (than expected). If we knew he could crank it up to this level this quick, we might have extracted him from Europe quicker. 贝弗利各方面都比预计的要好。 如果我们事先知道他能这么快就到这水平, 早就把他从欧洲带回了。
The offense is best in transition. Half court, better when we move the ball. Late, most teams end up in iso. You're trying to control the clock. We're better moving the ball. 进攻方面, 快攻的时候效果的最好。 阵地战, 当我们多转移球时, 效果最好。 最后时刻, 大家都会用单打, 来控制时间。 我们最好多转移球。
(Praise from fans on the job he's done) Its a team effort & unbelievable team of people. (回应球迷表扬) 这是球队努力的结果, 不可思议的团队。
(Sampson) Can't comment on rumors but I think he'll get looks as a coach. Loss for us but happy for him. (桑普森)对流言不做回应,他会像个主教练, 失去他是球队的损失, 但对他个人不错。
When it looks like we're gonna win, that's when I'm most tense. 接近胜利的时候, 是我最紧张的时候。
-No sleeping during the playoffs. (莫雷)季后赛期间基本没睡觉
- Garcia's Defense on Durant, how it inspires everyone else to pickup their D 加西亚对杜兰特的防守感染了大家,都在努力防守