The current stanford coach. JJ likes college coach.

回答: who is 金哈巴?Giantfan2010-11-10 05:59:02

And Harbaugh is good.


College game is different from the pro level -Giantfan- 给 Giantfan 发送悄悄话 (383 bytes) () 11/10/2010 postreply 06:16:24

金哈巴打了十几年的NFL。也在NFL当过助理教练。其他 -baydad- 给 baydad 发送悄悄话 (123 bytes) () 11/10/2010 postreply 09:07:27

Jim Harbaugh! now i know who u r talking about -Giantfan- 给 Giantfan 发送悄悄话 (37 bytes) () 11/10/2010 postreply 09:20:07

Jimmy Johnson 当牛仔教练前 -xiaoxiqingqing- 给 xiaoxiqingqing 发送悄悄话 (67 bytes) () 11/10/2010 postreply 10:14:00
