the team failed collectively

来源: lake3peat 2008-06-18 13:53:54 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2260 bytes)
回答: Why is everyone so down on Kobe?Johnny19232008-06-18 12:49:24
When you have an elite defensive whose sole purpose is to stop you, you have to rely on the team to win. If they play well, they help by putting points on the board, and by spreading the floor and creating enough space. If they fail to do that, you are on your own and you are bound to fail too.

There are two interesting observations from last night, both in the first half:
1. Kobe gets ball on the wing, handed off from LO. LO rolls to the baseline but his defender stays to shadow Kobe's right. As Kobe dribbles to his left, KG jumps out and puts a hand right in front of him, leaving Gasol to LO's defender who moves in towards the paint a little. It is a soft double so Kobe keeps going to his left, then the real double comes so he has to get rid of the ball. Keep in mind that this all happens on the perimeter, with 4 Celts actively involved in stopping Kobe. Now, how do you beat that? The only way to make them pay is to have the teammate Kobe passes the ball to score, but it doesn't happen so it is a lost sequence.
2. The Lakers are trying to run their tri set. The ball gets passed many times but nobody is willing to make a play. The tri-set is dead with two players on the left wing and Kobe at the top of the key. Finally they decide to pass the ball to Kobe with 7 seconds left. And in all the time they burn, the Celts keep their box and 1 intact and as soon as Kobe gets the ball, Posey jumps on him and crowds him really hard. It is almost like a play from the book and they Celts just know when the ball ends up. Normally, when you crowd an elite wing player, you are in trouble for he can shake you in a blink of the eye. But Kobe can't, why? There are two more guys 2 feet away waiting for him. So he pump fakes a few times and has to do a tough fade-away.

Now, put your favorite player in that situation and imagine how much better he can do?

It's easy for us to say that he should've done this or that. Of course he should try and score 50pts. But he did that many times, only to lose the game anyway since the team was not playing well together. He should've played better defense and tried to stop a pick-n-roll all by himself. But can he? He should've shown more leadership, but in what aspect?


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