太厉害了, 另外咨询下

回答: 赠传奇菜鸟加薪锦囊胡说之2014-06-24 09:16:12

我现在要求老板给我一些支持,my boss  distorted my meaning purposely to prove that I am an unreasonable person and requested sth unreasonable and greedy . He wrote to the big boss and cc to me about the support he gave to me and what  i thought when he discussed with me about the support. At least more than 50% in that email is not true. I felt very upset about that email but did not argue with him. He recruited me in. In this case, do i need to 低声下气 to thank him all the support he gave to me or i should just ignore that or i ask his suggestion if my communication needs improvement becasue i did not mean what he wrote in the email.  其实这也是一种谈判, 但是这种谈判显然以我失败告终, 我怎么做? 既然xiang要的SUPPORT也没有拿到, 也buxiang 因为这个把关系搞僵。
