昨天去照鱼鹰抓鱼;可惜老天不给面子,光线很不好,片质较差。但很高兴与减肥难兄相见;减兄手提新买的 Canon 600mm II(鸟帮又多一门大炮),身手矫健,毫不费力。马甲也该改为“减肥不难”。=:)
#1 Damn it! Give up your fish!
#2 Look, ma, one hand!
#3 Streamlined for flight
#4 On your tail!
#5 Juvenile red shouldered hawk looking for crayfish.
#6 Got one!
#7 This one was purely for fun. Taken at 1/25, 600mm, f4.0, iso1000; hand held, of course. Too close to get all head in focus.
#8 Very far away, heavy crop. First time I saw a kestrel catching a small bird.
怕蛇的朋友,please stop right here.
#9 Moved closer.
#10 I am not going to share with you.
#11 Red tailed hawk with snake
#12 Swallowed everything, shown here was the last bit of the snake tail.
Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice weekend!