
回答: 2009 Indianapolis International Festivalpieq3142010-01-10 07:42:48

1. 选择位置: There is not much that can be done about position in this particular event. The stage was high, and the audience's chairs were low, lower than the stage. I actually sat on a platform that was set up by the event organizers for videographing (the videographer was kind to let me sit there).

For normal performances, I would sit (or stand) at the rear end of theater, so that I would be looking down slightly.

2.从这两天的讨论看,一般情况下舞台摄影最好减曝一两档, 楼主的设置是加一档(+0.3): I usually test some shots first to see if exposure is correct or not (that is, not overexposing). For this particular photo, it did not work as well as others. I should have decreased its exposure in postprocessing.


谢谢! -蒙老乡- 给 蒙老乡 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/10/2010 postreply 14:50:29
