I believe there should be three major function on the forum

For the beginer, or whom wants to improve their skill: to learn from other's better works, to listen to other's suggestion or comments about his/her works, in order to know how to make yourself better.

For middle range: through the discussion and comparing, find out what is better, where to improve, get some good idea or so. Also, to make things more clear on those confusion points.

For Aces: to share the experience, thought, good works, to help people improve their skill or mind set in a short and stright way in order to avoid unnecessary waste about their energy and time.

It's totally meaningless to compare who is taller or not, as I believed.


强烈要求您老今天上任! -梦游usa- 给 梦游usa 发送悄悄话 梦游usa 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 11:02:18

等等吧,快了。我已经接受了,只是交接程序的问题。 -silencehrt- 给 silencehrt 发送悄悄话 silencehrt 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 13:15:58

太好了!!! -品羽题红- 给 品羽题红 发送悄悄话 品羽题红 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 14:16:16

啊,珍的要当班长了,我依前没有得罪过你吧:} -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 16:01:48

你呀,哈哈,十处打锣十一处都有你哈,哈哈哈哈 -silencehrt- 给 silencehrt 发送悄悄话 silencehrt 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 16:47:28

太好了!!! -GuShang- 给 GuShang 发送悄悄话 GuShang 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/05/2016 postreply 05:55:53

完全赞同。仔细比照别人的点评对提高自己实为重要。要是比,新手就甭发帖了:) -村岚- 给 村岚 发送悄悄话 村岚 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 11:04:08

看不懂英文,可以用中文写吗:} -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 12:42:28

COPY到谷歌翻译中,可以有大致的翻译了:) -风隐- 给 风隐 发送悄悄话 风隐 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 12:45:41

是吗? 咋操作? -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 12:48:38

刚才自己先测试了一下,GOOGLE是可以翻译的,具体操作参见下面连接。。。 -风隐- 给 风隐 发送悄悄话 风隐 的博客首页 (272 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 13:11:28

我就不懂装懂地根了帖 :) -梦游usa- 给 梦游usa 发送悄悄话 梦游usa 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 12:51:29

你也看的懂英文?崇拜啊 -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 12:55:28

哈哈, -玉渊潭八一湖- 给 玉渊潭八一湖 发送悄悄话 玉渊潭八一湖 的博客首页 (59 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 13:05:33

静心兄所言极是! -akiller- 给 akiller 发送悄悄话 akiller 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 12:56:15

查字典总算读下来了,点赞:-) -风七郎- 给 风七郎 发送悄悄话 风七郎 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/02/2016 postreply 19:48:41
