Ok, let's be literal:

来源: thrawn 2006-09-26 16:49:04 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1518 bytes)
1 : to enter for conquest or plunder
2 : to encroach upon : INFRINGE
3 a : to spread over or into as if invading
b : to affect injuriously and progressively

Yes, all war over any land with people in it is literally an invasion. But the intent and reason why an invasion is necessary also matters because we humans have emotions and created moralities.

The intent of Vietnam for invading Cambodia was to occupy its land and destroy its government, similar to that of Japan's intention for China. The morality of mankind, even at that time, had marked this kind of intention as morally bad. PRC's intent on the other hand, had invaded Vietnam to protect the weaker Cambodia from Vietnam's invasion by drawing its main armies attacking Cambodia back into Vietnam. It had succeeded and its invasion had stopped. It wasn't aiming to occupy Vietnam or to destroy its government. This intent was good in the eyes of mankind even if used war to make it happen.

Thus, by the moral high ground, there was no reason for PRC to 低头认罪 to its invasion of Vietnam. Just like the Allies of WWII had no reason to 低头认罪 to invasion of Axis territories because both Vietnam and the Axis was the aggressor that started the war.

I think I had made this clear to you. Your retort made so much less sense than your main line of questions. Please either revise or ignore it as they don't warrant any response from me. Please don't write like one of those 愤青if you can help it.


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