You think China would hope NK has strong Nuke capability?

来源: BZ_AH 2017-04-09 10:39:32 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (274 bytes)
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I bet if it does, it easy to throw at China than US.  Will NK do that?  You don't know what will happen in the future. Playing with fire can't last long. "朝核本是中国的筹码"-not anymore if it becomes capable of 实战。


If 金三 knows that he is going to die and he is Nuke capable.... -BZ_AH- 给 BZ_AH 发送悄悄话 (325 bytes) () 04/09/2017 postreply 10:55:22

What is 死敌? When I grew up, I was told that US was our 死敌. In fe -BZ_AH- 给 BZ_AH 发送悄悄话 (390 bytes) () 04/09/2017 postreply 11:06:25

金三知道他的统治方式只有中国默认,如果朝韩统一,他死的更快。朝核对中国有害,但对美日韩更具威胁 -立场- 给 立场 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/09/2017 postreply 10:50:37

对日韩和住韩美军更具威胁-True, but US will take this guy out before... -BZ_AH- 给 BZ_AH 发送悄悄话 (108 bytes) () 04/09/2017 postreply 11:00:27



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