祝福林书豪!?他有着强大的内心! who怕who!

小林在火箭的赛季,看到这张照片,照片上小林的这段话,带给我的感动无以言表, 祝福你林书豪!

I've seen everything. I’ve seen the top and I’ve seen the bottom. I’ve seen the whole Linsanity thing and I’ve seen the D-League and getting cut. For me, I think having that wide scope of perspective helps me stay more balanced and stay more even keel through ups and downs. It also keeps me from taking anything for granted. Every day, I’m able to appreciate that I’m able to play in the NBA. I realize that this is a gift from God. I think that’s the most important thing.” -- By Jeremy Lin




谢谢你的提醒! -雪花无声- 给 雪花无声 发送悄悄话 雪花无声 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2014 postreply 18:15:39

网上读到的,与你分享: 他若高飞,寂静欢喜;他若低潮,默默支持。 -朱婷- 给 朱婷 发送悄悄话 朱婷 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2014 postreply 18:27:14

这样下去,很快NBA就没位置了。剧本写好了。结局是waived -trades- 给 trades 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2014 postreply 18:17:40

无所谓吧,最多就不看nba罢了,有啥损失? -xiaoxiao27- 给 xiaoxiao27 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/07/2014 postreply 18:41:37
