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Your impression of lawyering is absolutely wrong. If your goal is a Chinatown immigration lawyer (nothing wrong with that), then you can say English does not matter that much. Otherwise, there is no such thing as a lower English requirement for certain sections of the law. Most JD graduates (although not everyone) want to work at top law firms in the country, which means you typically spend 12 hours a day in the office on average, not to mention that you need to work on the weekends sometimes as well. At 48, can you handle that? When you graduate, you will be around 48 or 49 and will be taking instructions from people who are 27 or 28 years old. That is another thing you need to keep in mind.


nod nod -caliber- 给 caliber 发送悄悄话 caliber 的博客首页 (366 bytes) () 01/08/2009 postreply 11:21:22

回复:想学商业法,产权法等对英文要求相应较低? -二木- 给 二木 发送悄悄话 (658 bytes) () 01/09/2009 postreply 14:44:42

回复:回复:想学商业法,产权法等对英文要求相应较低? -想重新学习- 给 想重新学习 发送悄悄话 (664 bytes) () 08/12/2009 postreply 00:59:32
