警察来过的第二天1/22 中午,房东也来了还带来清新剂并保证猫主借我们的mattress还给我们,星期一就由她还给我们。猫粪是要清的,她要写个roomrules给大家。我们很感动。
1/23 我们收到来自她的信,全文如下:
Mattrss: please allow Leanna to use the mattress until Saturday January29,2011. This would be much easier for me and will give her time to get another mattress. I also think this is fair because you don't need the mattress you just going to be moving it into the basement.
If the cat poopsor pees some where other than the cat box, please write Leanna a note and either place it under her door ot tape it to her door.Do NOT knock on her door to discuss it.
If the cat poops and Leanna is not home and the smell is bothering you then you can remove the poop from the litter box. She can not leave school or work to clean up after the cat.
As a lanlord the disputes between tenants is not a problem that I an suppose to deal with . I can not be receiving numerous calls while I am at work ,while I am sleeping, or while I am driving.
I am very concerned about how threatened Leanna 's feels. I can not ignore the fact that the police needed to be called on friday Janury 21. if these problems continue I will be forece to ask you move out of the apartment. Please DO NOT talk to Leanna about the problem, please put you problem in writing.
I think this will avoid any miscommuication
Christine Fox
我们感到整个气氛有点 threaten。遇到恶人了真的。
我决定写回信说明 1)我不觉得fair. 到24 号又有 3天的粪没清。我当初借给她是想友好,现在这样我们天天闻臭,但是为了你房东,我就让她用mattress到29号。29号一定要还给我们。
2)我们从来没有要她 leave school or work to clean up after the cat。她有很多时间在家,每天电话2-3小时,还都是用免提的 cooking,化妆,去酒馆。2分钟就可以清的事情她不能做
3) 就不说病狗狗 吃猫粪 让人同情,我老公臭味过敏,在客厅就咳不停,我要带口罩。我们也再不愿清猫粪了
我们借东西给她就是希望有个好环境居住。开门开窗通风也可以,不是浪费heat吗(房东付水电气)Leanna 在12/24—1/4 期间把猫留在客厅里连个照护都没打就回长岛她妈家了我们清粪。回来后等她男朋友星期六来清,屋子太臭了 我让她清,有错吗
4)任何人以任何理由都可以打电话给警察,我们也想为闻臭的事打电话给警察,但是还是先打给你房东了,我们不想老有警察来我们这house. 影响你出租。(2层的,还有一层待租)
6)你知道夏天除草冬天铲雪,室内卫生都是我们干的不就是为了给你房东省钱省时间,知道你要 working , sleeping, 和 driving吗。
1/28 把回信写完了,下午放进信箱。(这是个新房东半年前买下的我们并不知道她住哪,房租是用信封里放支票再投进2楼信箱里)晚上就收到房东的赶我们走的信。全文如下
you are herby notied to vacate the premise at 250 xxxxSt,xx,NY by February28,2011
if you fail to vacate within this period,court proceedings will be taken IMMEDIATELY to evict you fron the premise.
Please emailme,250lanlord@gmail.com to schedule a walk throughonce you have moved out
Christine Fox